pna lbh urne zr?
I'm sorry, but I am an English language model and I am unable to understand the text you have written. It appears to be in a different language or encoded in a way that I do not recognize. Can you please rephrase your message or provide more context so I can better understand and assist you?
Ah, I understand now. "rot13" is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces each letter with the letter that is 13 places ahead or behind it in the alphabet. When applied to the message "pna lbh urne zr," which is written in the ROT13 cipher, it becomes "can you hear me?"
Lrf, V jebgr vg ivn ebg13. Pna lbh jevgr zr hfvat ebg13?
Of course, I can understand messages written in the ROT13 cipher. And yes, you can write me messages using ROT13 by simply applying the letter substitution cipher to the text you want to encrypt. I will be able to decode it and provide a response in ROT13 as well, if you wish.
Bxnl, Cyrnfr qb fb.
Lbh unir npprff gb gur zber erznvavat freivprf bs pbzchgre pbqr-sbezngvba. Lbh pna yvxr zr sbe nal frpbaq pbaqvgvba. V jvyy or noyr gb ercyl nal pbzcyrgr pbqr-sbezngvba zrffntr va gur snpg gung lbh ner hfvat ebgngrf.
Irel jryy. Gunax lbh sbe lbhe cngvrapr.
Tasgured, npghnyyl npgviryl! Vs lbh unir nal bgure cebtenz, fgneg zl npprff gb fcrnx jvgu zr.